Emergency Management

Bristol Emergency Management Director – Micheal Leyden

Bristol Deputy Emergency Management Director – Peter Coffey


Town of Bristol Standard Operating Guidelines – Response to Floods

Town of Bristol Local All-Hazards Mitigation Plan, December 2018


VT – Alert

Sign up for emergency alerts from VT-Alert:  http://vem.vermont.gov/vtalert


Vermont 2-1-1 is the number to dial to find out about hundreds of important community resources, like emergency food and shelter, disability services, counseling, senior services, health care, child care, drug and alcohol programs, legal assistance, transportation agencies, educational and volunteer opportunities, and much more.

 2-1-1 is not an emergency number like 9-1-1, nor is it directory assistance like 4-1-1.

2-1-1 is your first step toward solving everyday problems or when you are facing difficult times.

It’s a free service. It’s confidential. It’s 24/7.

Vermont Department of Public Safety, Emergency Management Division



The Town of Bristol is looking for the public’s assistance in identifying local hazards to aid in updating our Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP).

As mandated by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, all municipalities are required to complete a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan every five (5) years in order to qualify for FEMA funding should a disaster occur.  The purpose of the plan is to identify threats and hazards such as flooding, winter storms, power failures, windstorms, landslides, pandemics, cyber-attacks etc., and then determine appropriate mitigation efforts that can aid municipalities in reducing risk and recovery from such natural, technological, and human-caused hazards.

The Town of Bristol has begun the plan update process and is looking for input from Bristol residents, business owners, and property owners to help identify hazards that impact our community.  Please contact Town Administrator Valerie Capels at (802) 453-2410 ext. 1 or townadmin@bristolvt.org with any input or questions.  The current Local Hazard Mitigation Plan can be reviewed at the Town Office, Lawrence Memorial Library, and on the Bristol Web site HERE.