Municiple Ethics

The State of Vermont adopted Act 171 (H.875) in the summer of 2024, establishing a Municipal Code of Ethics for local governments across the state.
– The newly established State Municipal Code of Ethics can be found here
– The State’s Whistleblower Protection rules are available here
For more information about Act 171, please visit the State of Vermont’s Ethics Commission website.

The Act allows the State Ethics Commission to provide municipalities with training and support services. It also requires municipalities to investigate and record ethics complaints, which can be filed by the public either with the municipality itself or with the State Ethics Commission. If you wish to submit a ethics complaint to the Town, please complete this form and send it the Designated Complaint Recipient.

Finally, the Act requires ethics training for all municipal officers every three years, following the initial required training, and mandates the appointment of a Designated Complaint Recipient and Ethics Liaison between the Town and the State.

Reminder: Municipal officials may call or email the Vermont Ethics Commission for confidential ethics advice.

Town of Bristol – Designated Complaint Recipient
– Sharon Lucia, Town Clerk/Treasurer
– Email:
– Phone: (802) 453-2410 ext. 5
– Address: 1 South Street, Bristol, VT 05443

Town of Bristol – Ethics Liaison
– Ian Albinson, Interim Town Administrator
– Email:
– Phone: (802) 453-2410 ext. 1
– Address: 1 South Street, Bristol, VT 05443

Vermont Ethics Commission
– Phone: (802) 828-7187 (Commission office)
– Email:
– Address: 6 Baldwin Street, Montpelier, VT 05633-7950
– Website: Vermont Ethics Commission