Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is in charge of creating and proposing plans, regulatory tools, and other measures to guide the future development of the town. More information about the duties of the Planning Commission can be found at 24 V.S.A. § 4325. Powers and duties of planning commissions.

The Planning Commission meets the first Tuesday each month, and the third Tuesday of each month as needed. The meeting is held at the Town Office, and typically starts at 7:00 pm, and is filmed by NEAT.

The current members of the Bristol Planning Commission are:

Kevin Hanson, Chair(Term expires March 2026)
Melissa Hernandez(Term expires March 2025)
Chanin Hill(Term expires March 2025)
VACANT(Term expires March 2026)
John Moyers(Term expires March 2025)
Robert Rooker(Term expires March 2025)
William Sayre(Term expires March 2024)
Fred Baser(Term expires March 2024)
John “Slim” Pickens(Term expires March 2026)

FY 2021/2022 Meetings
June 7, 2022AgendaMinutesVideo
May 3, 2022AgendaMinutesVideo
April 5, 2022AgendaMinutes - DRAFTVideo
March 1, 2022AgendaMinutesVideo
February 1, 2022AgendaMinutes - DRAFTVideo
January 4, 2022AgendaMinutes - DRAFT
December 7, 2021AgendaMinutes - DRAFT
October 5, 2021AgendaMinutes - DRAFT
September 7, 2021AgendaMinutes - DRAFT
August 3, 2021AgendaMinutes - DRAFTVideo
July 20, 2021AgendaMinutes - DRAFTWarning

Town Plan:
