Munsill Avenue is one of only a few streets in historic Bristol village that have no sidewalk, yet it is a major connector between the Bristol Works! Commercial/employment complex near Pine Street and West Street, which is the main connector to the designated downtown. It is a densely populated residential street with a mix of single and multi-family dwellings, a utility substation, and commercial complex. The intersection at Munsill Avenue and West Street also lacks definition for pedestrians traveling northward up Munsill Avenue. Physical evidence suggests there may have been some form of sidewalk along part of the east side of Munsill Avenue, but if there was, it is long gone. Many families live in this neighborhood and children have little choice but to ride their bikes in the road. If a sidewalk was available, we need to anticipate that young bicyclists may use it from time to time.
Scope of Work:
This project is funded, in part, from a VTrans Bicycle and Pedestrian Program grant and must follow the protocols established through the Municipal Assistance Bureau. In general, the scope will consist of a planning process that identifies the needs of pedestrians in the area and take into consideration numerous existing conditions. The outcome of the process is expected to be:
- Identification and prioritization of improvements;
- A public involvement process to ensure local input and support of the project;
- An assessment of historic, archaeological, utility, and other environmental constraints;
- Clear, written documentation of project issues and overall feasibility; and
- A complete preliminary cost estimate for further engineering, project administration, and construction.
May 4, 2022, 7 PM | Public Local Concerns Meeting | Bristol Munsill Ave Local Concerns Presentation Meeting Video Munsill Avenue Local Concerns Survey Meeting Notice Munsill Ave_Local Concerns Flyer |
April 27, 2022, 2 PM | Check-in Meeting | |
March 30, 2022, 2 PM | Check-in Meeting | |
March 17, 2022, 1 PM | Site Walk | Door Hanger |
February 23, 2022, 2 PM | Kickoff Meeting | 20220223_Munsill AveScopingKickoffMinutes 20220223_MunsillSidwalkScopingSchedule |
Project Timeline:
Contact Information:
Valerie Capels, Town Administrator
Town of Bristol
1 South Street
P.O. Box 249
Bristol, VT 05443
P: (802) 453-2410 Ext. 1