Stoney Hill Business Park

Overview and Background:

Stoney Hill Properties, LLC (SHP) purchased an 8.61 +/- acre parcel of land behind 79 West Street from the Town of Bristol (Town) with the intention of developing a commercial business park. Previously, the Town and SHP had a successful public-private partnership that led to the design and construction of the Bristol Fire Station and construction of Firehouse Drive at 79 West Street. Construction was completed in 2016.

With assistance from a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) planning grant through the Vermont Community Development Program, the Town partnered again with SHP to develop a site analysis and conceptual plan for development of a Stoney Hill Business Park in 2015. The analysis included an adjacent 4+/- acre site for the inclusion of housing. The Stoney Hill Master Plan can be found on the Town’s Web site at opportunities/.

The Town applied for and received a grant of up to $500,000 from the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) for the construction of infrastructure improvements to support the development of the business park, including the extension of Firehouse Drive, a new sidewalk, phone, and data lines, underground electricity, and stormwater. The extension of Firehouse Drive would then become a public highway and would need to be designed in accordance with appropriate roadway standards. The grant (#NBRC19GEDA03) was is made possible by a collaborative effort with the US Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration, and the NBRC.


Project Timeline:

Contact Information:

Stoney Hill Properties, LLC
72 Munsil Avenue
Bristol VT 05443
(802) 453-5920

Bristol Town Administrator
1 South Street
Bristol, VT 05443
(802) 453-2410