Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee

The Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee provides input on bicycle and pedestrian projects, programs, policies, and constructive guidance on bicycle and pedestrian issues for the Town of Bristol.

The Bristol Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee meets on the fourth Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm.

Please contact Chair Cris DaBica for information about this committee:

Click here for the Meeting Materials and References Folder.

The current members of the Bristol Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee are:

Brad Cameron(Term expires March 2026)
Tanya Bashaw(Term expires March 2026)
Sally Burrell(Term expires March 2026)
Kevin Masse(Term expires March 2026)
Christian DaBica (Chair)(Term expires March 2028)
Dustin Corrigan(Term expires March 2028)
VACANT(Term expires March 2028)
FY 2024/2025 Meetings
September 26, 2024AgendaVideo
August 22, 2024AgendaVideo
July 25, 2024AgendaVideo