Declaration of Inclusion
The Town of Bristol has adopted the following Declaration of Inclusion on June 28, 2021.
The Declaration states:
The Town of Bristol condemns racism and welcomes all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, age, or disability, and will protect these classes to the fullest extent of the law.
As a town, we formally condemn discrimination in all of its forms and commit to fair and equal treatment of everyone in our community.
The Town of Bristol has and will continue to be a place where individuals can live freely and express their opinions.
The Town of Bristol and Intentional Evolution Consulting have developed a “Driving Equity” toolkit to help in the Town’s decision-making process. These questions are a starting place to help decision-makers look for where power flows and work to see that all are served.
PDF Link: Driving Equity Toolkit
If you have suggestions on how the town can further the goals in the declaration of Inclusion, please email Town Administrator Valerie Capels,