The Development Review Board consists of seven members as well as two alternates who are appointed by the Selectboard. The DRB is responsible for the review of applications for conditional uses, site plan review, subdivisions, and variances in accordance with the Bristol Unified Development Regulations. The DRB also hears appeals of decisions of the Zoning Administrator and enforcement matters.
The Development Review Board meets the second and fourth Tuesday as needed each month. The meeting is held at the Town Offices and starts at 7:00 pm.
The current members of the Development Review Board are:
Ted Desmond | (Term expires March 2026) |
Dale Dingler | (Term expires March 2026) |
John Moyers | (Term expires March 2026) |
VACANT (Alternate) | (Term expires March 2026) |
Kevin Brown (Chair) | (Term expires March 2027) |
Rebecca Cole | (Term expires March 2027) |
Brenda Tillberg | (Term expires March 2025) |
VACANT (Alternate) | (Term expires March 2027) |
VACANT | (Term expires March 2028) |