ARPA Funding Advisory Committee

The ARPA Funding Advisory Committee has been tasked to review and assess proposals for Bristol’s allocation of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding. The Town of Bristol is slated to receive almost $1.2 million over the next two years, to be spent on various areas including Pandemic Response, Premium Pay to Eligible Workers, Lost Revenue, and Water, Sewer, and Broadband Infrastructure.

The ARPA Funding Advisory Committee meets on the first Monday of every month at 7:00 pm.

Please contact Chair Porter Knight for information about this committee:

Read the Final ARPA Report

The current members of the ARPA Funding Advisory Committee are:

FY 2022/2023 Meetings
April 3, 2023AgendaNotesVideo
February 6, 2023AgendaMinutesVideo
January 2, 2023AgendaMinutesVideo
December 5, 2022AgendaMinutesSurvey Rank ScoringVideo
November 07, 2022AgendaMinutesVideo
October 17, 2022AgendaMinutesBristol_ARPA_funding_requests_2022-10-17Video
October 3, 2022AgendaMinutesCommunityData
Focus Group Ideas
September 19, 2022AgendaMinutesSpaghetti Dinner NotesVideo
August 1, 2022AgendaMinutesARPA Compiled_responses_from_the_dump_2022-07-30_Blair
ARPA Committee first meeting Hopes and Goals slides
ARPA venn diagram
July 18, 2022AgendaMinutesPost_Card_Front_Draft/a>
FY 2021/2022 Meetings
June 6, 2022AgendaMinutesVideo
May 2, 2022AgendaMinutesARPA Focus Group presentation templateVideo
April 4, 2022AgendaMinutesARPA Committee April meetingVideo
March 7, 2022AgendaMinutesUS_Treasury_SLFRF_Compl_&_Rpt_Appendix1_Exp_Categories